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April 14, 2017
Granada - Dia #7
Not much to report again today. To say that I have been lazy is to be quite accurate. I'm deep into reading Zadie Smith's Swing time which is long enough to take me through lots of warm, quiet hours in the patio. D & C are inundated with editing projects, so I'm on my own just hanging with Nico who can certainly amuse himself. Besides, his friends are coming home from holiday and ready to play. I especially enjoyed listening to Nico and Gabby who were speaking Spanish while making some peanut butter sandwiches for lunch. Fortunately, it was 10 year old expat Spanish, so I understood everything they said.
There is no dryer here, so I've been doing a chore that I haven't done for years -- hanging out laundry to dry. Since my WA backyard is several stories down, I haven't had a clothesline since I lived in California. I do love the smell of fresh, sun dried, clothing even if it is a bit stiff and wrinkly. Since we had a chicken for dinner last night, I made Nico's favorite chicken soup for dinner.
Dani, Nico, and I walked down to see the daily procession, but missed it by a few minutes. Our hint was that the large crowds were going in the opposite direction. We decided to go find it later in another area of town (the processions last for several hours) but we were too lazy or tired to do so. MaƱana will be a new day.
Everyone around here is suffering from the intense crowds that have descended upon Granada. D&C went down to their local (and favorite) coffee place this morning only to find the place packed within the first five minutes of opening. The wi-fi has been running slowly because of the number of users in the system. People are wandering all over the Albaycin sightseeing, and it is impossible to get tickets for the Alhambra. The favorite comment is, "let's wait until next week when it is back to normal."
I'm waiting to go to coffee with D&C when it is back to normal.
Posted by Marilyn at April 14, 2017 1:41 AM