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April 16, 2017
Granada - Dia Diez (Domingo) and Easter Sunday (continued)
We began Easter Sunday by attending church as mentioned in the previous post (I was so moved by that experience that I had to write something immediately). Charles and I were sure that the church would be crowded. Someone told us that it was only open twice a year -- a fact that has now been disputed. So, we had coffee and wandered up to the convent and sat for 45 minutes to save our place in what ended up being an empty courtyard. Dani and a few friends joined us, but we did not need to worry about crowds this time. As mentioned, there were barely 40 people in attendance. The doors stayed closed, and we finally realized that we could enter and sat in the third row of pews. People wandered in, but even after the service began, others continued to come in and out or peek in to see what was happening. After services, we went over to Maria's (the restaurant near where Dani collected her CSA box) and had a cold drink. Then headed home.
We had a feast for Easter dinner. Dani cooked lamb chops -- she gets them from the local butcher. They are thin and small - and you can eat several. She also made her signature French potato casserole. Laurie and Jason's family brought salad and melon with jamon, wonderful cheesy bread, and there were lots of drinks. We made our own dessert from strawberries, meringues, whipped cream, orange cake, fresh oranges -- it was a make-your-own trifle. Jason was the center of attention. I'm not sure how he even managed to make it to Dani's -- he has crutches and he got up the front stairs although we all held our breath. Tomorrow he goes back to the hospital for surgery. They are only going to be here through June and had many things planned which will have to be cancelled unless all goes well with the surgery and he heals extra fast.
A new couple who has moved in next door from Boston came over for dessert. They will be here for three months and their children will go to school during that time. They have a son Nico's age and an older daughter. The expat community seems to be filled with adventurous souls -- sometimes taking a year off from work, other times working from Granada. They all seem to be well traveled folks who want their children to experience another culture. It is pretty impressive. One can see why they all become friends so easily.
It was a lovely Easter although I did miss my usual Easter activities and the rest of my family. I shall not forget this time in Spain and the wonderful week of religious festivities.
Posted by Marilyn at April 16, 2017 7:19 AM