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April 11, 2017
Granada - Day #4
Today was a blessing! A good night's sleep led to relaxing on the patio in the morning and hanging out my wash on the lines, watching Nico and Caden wash the dog, and all those normal things much appreciated after the jet lag bit. We are deep into Semana Santa here. Every day there are multiple parades with dress up and thousands of people in the streets until all hours of the morning.
At seven p.m. I once again tackled the thousand steps (still exaggerating, but not much) and this time I took my walking stick that D&C had given me for my birthday in anticipation of the cobblestones and the myriad of steps. It felt awkward, but I suspect I will get used to it. Dani, her visiting friend, Jenny, and I wandered around town to an outdoor cafe where we ordered wine and sparkling water for me. Soon we were joined by another ex-pat friend of Dani's and her two boys, and Charles, Nico and Caden. Our table was on the square which faced the parade street.
People were gathering four deep for the Lunes (Monday) Santo. The parades are fascinating filled with hooded marchers, candle bearers, military, fancy dressed children handing out candy, and culminating in a large float holding the Virgin Mary and/or Jesus. The floats originate and end inside particular cathedrals where they are on display throughout the year. They loom high above the parade watchers, are human powered, and very ornate with lots of gold and candles. I witnessed so many little meaningful gestures -- children running up to the candle bearers to gather balls of wax, people hanging over balconies to touch the tree on the first float, looks of reverence and joy, and the entire crowd extremely polite and respectful.
Following the parade, Charles took the boys home and Dani, Jenny, and I went out for tapas before ascending the stairs for home. The moon was full, and through the break in the buildings of the Albaysin district, you could see it shining above the beautifully lit Alhambra. It was a lovely sight to end a lovely day.
Posted by Marilyn at April 11, 2017 1:56 AM