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April 10, 2017
Granada - Day #3
OK, Day #2, yesterday, was a wash. After sleeping over 12 hours the day before (following my missed sleep on travel day), I again went over 24 hours without sleep. Yep, it is called jet lag. and I've never had it so bad. I attribute that to not having much physical exercise after I arrived (sitting in the sun is lovely, but not exercise) and the fact that I'm older. When I was going on my afternoon of no sleep following the night of no sleep, everyone was telling me it was jet lag. I knew that, but it was not the jet lag I've previously experienced. I looked it up and found that elderly people often have it worse. I tried to go to bed early last night, but after still being awake, I joined Dani, Charles, and Jenny in the living room. Then, FINALLY, I slept in little chunks last night -- enough to make me feel human again.
It is not as warm here as I was expecting. It is 67 today, and I was expecting in the low 70's. There is quite a cool breeze on the patio even with the sun. Granada is hopping. I mean really hopping. Tourists from all over the world are here (as in most big Spanish cities) for Holy Week. Tonight we are going to some bar for dinner in order to watch a parade. Jenny tried to get tickets for the Alhambra. Charles went down a few hours before the box office opened and found 300 people in line. Everything is rather chaotic in town. Dani just found out the all grocery stores are closed from Thursday through Sunday. So, Easter shopping has to be done by Wednesday.
In the Albicin (or Albaycin) where Dani lives, the houses are very, very close together, and we have several musicians around -- meaning that someone is always playing some music which floats through the air. Also, the church has gorgeous chimes that sound on the hour -- again, the sound washes over atmosphere and is quite lovely. So, during the managing of my jet lag, I've been sitting in the sun on the patio and listening to the Spanish sounds and music.
Dani has put out some lovely spreads. She gets a CSA basket of fruits and vegetables here plus lots of good meats, cheeses, and olives. I'm anxious to get out and see the world. There are dozens of steps between me and that world so it should put me in shape and help me sleep. Also, when they say cobblestones, they mean real cement walkways with stones sticking out of them. It is not particularly comfortable to walk which is why you need good, sturdy shoes. They are wet in the winter and Dani has fallen twice.
Their house is wonderful. Tile floors, colorful tiled walls, wooden inside shutters, lots of plants on the patio, a patio on the roof that overlooks the Alhambra. Lots of art since the owner is an artist. I'll post some pictures as soon as Martin fixes that part of my blog. I have my own ensuite bedroom, Dani and Charles are in their study with Nico, and Jenny and Caen have Nico's room. They leave tomorrow for Barcelona.
Please forgive the fact that you can't comment on the blog. We had to remove that because of the spam I was getting -- but you can always email me at marilyn@donel.net.
Posted by Marilyn at April 10, 2017 3:53 AM