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October 19, 2015

Another Long Recess

It's been two months since I wrote on this blog. I guess I haven't had much to say. I have been struggling with my Faith Journey stuff and have actually transformed my interest in it. I will soon post the next section which is almost finished, but I've decided to take the whole Faith Journey material and think in a larger sense about a memoir. That's my writing self thinking differently -- but there are so many little funny stories that are not really part of the faith journey, but make a more interesting and less dry journey, that I thought I would try my hand at it. At the moment this is just musings, but we'll see which direction I take. Since I have already written my next section, however, I will post it as is. This is for Larry who reminds me that it has been a long time.

I've been thinking about habits lately. After a rather busy summer which ended by my usual trip to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival for almost a week of plays, I came home and was rather a couch potato. Gone was the walking, I didn't go to the gym, and I ignored my usual trek to Weight Watchers. I have put off some phone calls that I promised myself to make, and some household things that need attention. The past three weeks I have hosted house painters that transformed 1/2 of my old several-storied house -- and now they are unsticking windows and finishing touches on areas they missed. I'll have the second half done in the spring.

Fall brings lots of things that seem to click back in place. My housemate, Katie, has returned to teach voice for three days a week at the University. My calendar is a bit freer. My grandson, James, is back at college and his cousin, Nicole, is a freshman at University of Puget Sound. Nico is back in school and Lionel has started kindergarten. And, last week I either walked daily or went to the gym -- now if I can get back to Weight Watchers, I will have restored my habits -- as long as I keep them going which is not always easy in the dreary weather. However, I felt more on track last week, and that feeling is good as if more is right with the world.

Dani and Charles are busy with their academic editing business and Charles is teaching a class on Buddhism at Western. Ron and Jeni are busy working (Ron is currently in London for business). Jeni has started Craswell Consulting which engages in nonprofit organizational management. Christine and Martin are presently up to their ears in new projects. Christine continues her freelance art work. Martin has just published his first novel which he financed through a successful Kickstarter campaign and he and a friend have launched Seattle Review of Books which, at the present time, is an online journal. This is on top of his day job as a web designer for NBC Breaking News. This has definitely been his banner year.

So, this is it for now. Happy Halloween!

Posted by Marilyn at October 19, 2015 12:19 PM


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