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August 19, 2015

Lazy Days Still Around!

I have been ignoring this blog as I have been ignoring all kinds of tasks and chores. So, today I have been doing some things that hang over my head. They are not fun things to do because no one but me will know they are done. No one will pat me on the back for being resourceful or clever or industrious. But, sometimes you just need to do what you need to do.

So what momentous things did I accomplish? I took my bedspread to the laundry. It is just too large for my washing machine. I defrosted the big freezer in my basement that I have ignored for two years. It was a huge job since Dani has been keeping some stuff in there also. So, i had to drag out my old ice chests and fill them to the brim so I could turn off the machine. I paid bills. I sent two cards to friends. i self cleaned my oven and personally cleaned all the messy oven burners. I finished painting a little cupboard that has been sitting in my basement to house my little Native American miniatures. I had taken it down when we painted the living room. I ironed some napkins. I watered all the pots and even did a bit of weeding.

I guess I can safely say that I wasn't idle. I can also say that these are things I keep in my head on a virtual to-do list. I am pleased that they are finally done although many of them will have to be repeated again very soon. I'm glad I'm not metered yet because my plants have taken a great deal of water this summer. I look around the house and see other things I did not do today -- but they can stay on the list for now.

Oh yes, I also have writing on that list. But that seems to have gone by the wayside. Oh well!

Posted by Marilyn at August 19, 2015 3:05 PM


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