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January 2, 2015
On Hold! Or, New Year's Resolutions...
It seems as though much of my life is spent waiting. I was pondering this situation as I was cleaning house after Christmas. There are several things in my living room that are "on hold!" They are mostly things that I need to replace or fix or want to buy -- but it is not yet time. One big item is my braided rug under my dining table. There are several prominent previously mended holes beginning to widen. But, I've been in the middle of painting my dining room for a few months (I'm a slow painter), and I don't want to buy a new rug until I'm sure how it is going to look.
Sometimes I wonder if people gaze around my house and immediately spot all the obvious problems -- the old dog scrapes on the front door, the holes in the rug, the dirty windows, the rips in the rocking chair seats. Surely they notice the half painted room. These are things that I've taught myself to ignore until i can get them fixed. Sometimes it's a financial thing, but other times it is just a priority problem.The situation is made more problematic due to my own nature. When I walk through someone's home, I don't see things that need to be done. I simply get a feeling from the books on the table, or the kind of light in the kitchen, the vividness or quietness of the colors. The ambience gives me a sense of who lives there. I immediately know if they really love music or if they love reading or enjoy collecting things. I have said many, many times that I want people to walk into my house and want to curl up somewhere with their feet on the coffee table, a cup of tea, and a book to read or someone to talk to.
I have a list as long as life of the things I want or even need to do in my house. It will never be perfect just as my previous homes were not perfect. Perhaps we have always bought a bit above our means. But, every time we bought a house, we looked and looked, and finally walked into one and said, "this is it." We just knew that we would be happy within its walls. Both Don and I always agreed. Perhaps that is why I'm reluctant to give up this amazing space, amazing view, and unfortunately amazing size, to move into something more manageable in many ways.
So, once again I begin a new year with lots of lists -- painting lists, chore lists, organizational lists, purchasing lists, cleaning lists, and even some personal improvement lists. They are half made. But, at the moment, my beautiful grandson is home for only one more day and he is playing my piano. The fireplace is going, the tea water hot, and a good book is waiting to be read. Can anybody improve on that?
Posted by Marilyn at 10:17 AM | Comments (0)