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July 16, 2014

From Bath to Arundel (West Sussex)

Our last morning in Bath was enjoyable. We wandered over the Avon on a bridge that is lined with quaint old shops. While Connie went looking for a Vat form to get back her rebate, I wandered around Bath town and went to Sally Lunn teahouse (supposedly the oldest in the city) to try her famous buns - think half of a very large hamburger bun with lemon curd. I satisfied my curiosity in just a few bites After picking up our bags at the inn, we headed for the train station. The ride to the little town of Barnham took a few hours after which we jumped on the train to London and rode just two stops to Arundel, a lovely, artsy town with a huge castle on the River Arun.

We wandered the town a bit until Hope Newcomer picked us up and toured us around West Sussex before taking us to her charming house. Her husband, Andrew, and two of her daughters, Ellie and Grace, were there also. Andrea is in the states for the summer. The Newcomer-Jones took us to a great little restaurant on the Arun River and close to the English Channel -- a few blocks from their home. Tomorrow we are going to go to the castle.

Bath From the Bridge

The River Bridge

The Avon

Arriving in Arundel

The Town With the Castle

The Arum River

Posted by Marilyn at July 16, 2014 2:16 AM


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